More Experimentation

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The past few days have been really rough on me, as I attended the Techpoint Xtern Finalist reception all day yesterday, all while being sick with a sore throat and cold from the freezing weather recently. On a positive note, I used my spare time to continue writing my rough draft, so there wasn’t too much time lost.

Back to my program, I’ve added a number of features/improvements to it, the first one being adding timestamps for every recorded position in the hand so that I could actually calculate my velocity and acceleration using time. I did notice that the “frame rate” of the program dropped as a result, so I may try to reduce the number of timestamps later and minimize their usage. I also made sure that all of the points that fall outside the window are discarded to lessen the effect of reading points nowhere near the hand. This also means checking the distance between two consecutive points and discarding the last point if the distance is above some impossible value. I also use distance to make sure there are no false positives when the hand is still, so that the hand has to move a certain distance in order to register a beat. A number of musical functions have also been added for future use, such as converting a MIDI note number to the corresponding frequency of the sound.

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