Paper Update

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The paper was my project for the weekend. I had intended it to be the final version, in order to be done with it entirely before exams and other projects came due, but I will instead consider this version the second draft and submit it to that slot on Moodle.

More specific status of the paper:

  • 6 pages, including references and charts
  • Wording is still shabby. I’ve emphasized completing the page count and choosing the correct scope, and therefore left wording and flow problems to the final draft.
  • I updated the flow diagram to include arrows and better logical grouping of objects and information.
  • I incorporated examples of interface design from Apple and Nextdoor.
  • I expanded the description of the software, its current state, and what it could become in the future.
  • I expanded the section on the social significance of HCI and behavior changes.
  • In the final version I will also revise the abstract, move sections around, and remove the cruft. The revision is the time to subtract, not add.

It’s a good second draft. It would be a bad final draft.

This week I will accomplish three things:

  • Complete the final draft no later than Sunday night.
  • Complete the basic software and clean up its git repository.
  • Create the poster, lifting much of the content from the paper and building on a library template.

Looking forward to others’ presentations on Wednesday.

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