388-Week 4

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I have started collecting papers on my three ideas.

There are many different sources that have used gesture controlled navigation in the past so I think it will be hard to differentiate from them, but most of them seem to have to use another device. There are a couple that are just controlled by a camera, this would be a neat way to solve this problem, and wouldn’t require people to buy anything.

For my second Idea of PCG for my video game, I have gathered sources where people use pcg to remake games or even make new ones. None of them seem super similar to what I would like to implement. I have also found a few good overviews and lit reviews of the subject. These will come in handy.

The papers I found for my last idea, of an educational app for ultimate frisbee, mostly just include the theorys and methods for educational applications. these include apps such as duo lingo and other language learning sources. I figure a lot of this could be mapped over to any educational application. It seems like a lot of the problems in this field deal with retention.

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