Hailee Dang

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About me

My name is Hang “Hailee” Dang. I am a senior majoring in Data Science with interest in Finance, Data and Business Analytics.

My project

  • Purpose: This paper aims to find a new metric on predicting a technology company’s stock performance besides 5 fundamentals metrics that have been proved and frequently used in corporate valuation.
  • Design/ MethodologyThe paper explains reason of choosing the 5 fundamental metrics using existing papers and studies. Then, using data from online financial database system with R to evaluating the correlation between these metrics and the actual performance over a 10-year period. The result will diverse from least to most correlated to the actual stock performance. New highly correlated metric such as media mentions or number of articles about the company should be added to the model to increase the correctness of the prediction.
  • Research limitations/implications: This theoretical model only applies to the time range from 2011-2021 and profited large corporations in technology industry. Any applications outside this data frame would not be reflected correctly.

Architecture diagram

Gitlab project

Software demonstration video