6 Annotated bibliography – Tien

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Facial Expression Recognition: This pitch will focus on facial expression recognition (FER) using convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which helps people with difficulties in communication, analyzes human’s emotion, and helps with development of AI in supporting humans during their daily life. Dataset: CK+ : 48×48 pixels images in grayscale format; face cropped; emotions includes anger (45 samples), disgust (59 samples), fear (25 samples), happiness (69 samples), sadness (28 samples), surprise (83 samples), neutral (593 samples), contempt (18 samples). Tufts Face Database: multi-modal face image images with more than 100,000 images, 74 females and 38 males from different age groups. 

Suppressing uncertainties for large-scale facial expression recognition

Kai Wang, Xiaojiang Peng, Jianfei Yang, Shijian Lu, and Yu Qiao. 2020. Suppressing uncertainties for large-scale facial expression recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (2020), 6897–6906. https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPR_2020/html/Wang_Suppressing_Uncertainties_for_Large-Scale_Facial_Expression_Recognition_CVPR_2020_paper.html

This paper addressed a specific problem in large-scale FER, which is “uncertainties caused by ambiguous facial expression, low-quality facial images, and the subjective of the annotators” by using the Self-Cure Network. Because it focuses on a problem in FER, it is a good example if we want the purpose of our proposal to be about addressing a problem in the domain. It also mentions a lot of good dataset for FER  along with works on FER using algorithms in the citation, which are good resources for our proposal. Related works in the field are also provided and went into detail to showcase the problem that the paper is focusing on. The methods that were proposed in the paper are based on the observation that CNNs can be uncertain about their predictions. 

Deep-emotion: Facial expression recognition using attentional convolutional network

Shervin Minaee, Mehdi Minaei, and Amirali Abdolrashidi. 2021.Deep-Emotion: Facial Expression Recognition Using Attentional Convolutional Network. Sensors 21, 9, 3046. https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/21/9/3046

This paper is about FER using attentional CNNs. It discusses the challenges of FER and how attentional CNNs can be used to address them. The author proposed a new attentional CNN architecture that is able to focus on important facial regions for emotion detection. Because I decided to use CNN as the main method for processing the data in my paper, I can consider using the proposed attention CNNs from this paper. The proposed attentional CNN architecture consists of 2 main components: a feature extraction network and an attention network. The feature extraction network extracts features from the input image, while the attention network learns to focus on the most important facial regions for emotion detection.

Facial expression recognition: A survey

Yunxin Huang, Fei Chen, Shaohe Lv, and Xiaodong Wang. 2019. Facial expression recognition: A survey. Symmetry 11, 10, 1189. MDPI. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-8994/11/10/1189

This paper is a survey for FER of visible facial expressions, which provides a lot of necessary background knowledge like terminologies and difficulties in the field. It also provided a throughout FER approach from beginning to end process including Image processing, feature extraction, gabor feature extraction, and expression classification. CNNs, Deep Belief Network, Long Short-Term Memory, Generative Adversarial Network are introduced and cited with current works related to them.

Facial emotion recognition using transfer learning in the deep CNN

M. A. H. Akhand, Shuvendu Roy, Nazmul Siddique, Md Abdus Samad Kamal, Testuya Shimamura. 2021. Facial emotion recognition using transfer learning in the deep CNN. Electronics 10, 9, 1036. MDPI. https://www.mdpi.com/2079-9292/10/9/1036

This paper focuses on Deep CNN and Transfer Learning (TL). CNN is a popular technique used for FER and it is one that I’m considering moving forward with. This paper also focuses on using these techniques to reduce the development efforts, which is an understanding problem that all of the previous ones haven’t touched on. FER systems need to be able to handle occlusion, noise, and other challenges. Deep CNNs have been shown to be effective for FER tasks. CNNs are able to learn complex features from images, which can be helpful for identifying FER. Transfer learning is a technique where a pre-trained model is used as a starting point for a new model. This can be useful for tasks where there is limited training data available. In the paper, they introduced the technique of adopting a pre-trained Deep CNN model and replacing its dense upper layer(s) compatible with FER, and then fine-tuning the model with facial emotional data. This approach has been shown to achieve remarkable accuracy on both the FDEF and JAFFE facial image datasets.

Local multi-head channel self-attention for facial expression recognition

Roberto Pecoraro, Valerio Basile, and Viviana Bono. 2022. Local multi-head channel self-attention for facial expression recognition. Information 13, 9, 419. MDPI. https://www.mdpi.com/2078-2489/13/9/419

This paper proposed Local multi-head Channel self-attention (LHC) in the context of computer vision and in facial expression recognition. LHC is a very new approach in the field of FER. This paper will be useful because the LHC module is a type of self-attention module that can be integrated into CNNs, and it has been shown to improve the performance of CNNs on FER tasks. In a CNN, each layer learns to extract different features from the input image. The LHC module allows the CNN to learn long-range dependencies between features, which can be helpful for FER. 

Guided open vocabulary image captioning with constrained beam search

Peter Anderson, Basura Fernando, Mark Johnson, and Stephen Gould. 2016. Guided open vocabulary image captioning with constrained beam search. arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.00576. https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.00576

I read this paper for another class, and I think it is pretty interesting if I can incorporate this into my paper. The paper proposed a method for improving the performance of open vocabulary image captioning models. Open vocabulary image captioning models are able to generate captions that contain words that are not present in the training data. The author introduced a technique called constrained beam search to guide the generation of captions. Contrainsed beam search forces the generated captions to include certain words. FER uses words “happy”, “sad”, “angry”, and “neutral”, constrained beam search could be used to force the system to predict at least one of these words in each prediction. 

Sentiment analysis of online food reviewWhen people buy products online, the one thing that they tend to look closely at are the reviews of the product. Having good reviews and understanding the needs of the customers through the review can help the business grow tremendously. A review usually comes in two parts: the rating and the reviews. While the text-review system can be easy to interpret the customers’ overall experiences without any biases, the star-rating system tends to be less informative and it is up to the viewer to interpret the rating. This project aims to perform sentiment analysis on the reviews dataset, so it provides more accurate feedback on the products. Another aspect that this project can develop toward is that it can perform analysis on the negative languages on the recent reviews to let the businesses know what they should focus on improving. Amazon Fine Food Reviews dataset, which contains data over a 10 year period (1999 to 2012). Another plan to replace this dataset is using DoorDashAPI to collect reviews from the restaurants on DoorDash.

Comparative study of deep learning models for analyzing online restaurant reviews in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic

Yi Luo, and Xiaowei Xu. 2021. Comparative study of deep learning models for analyzing online restaurant reviews in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Hospitality Management 94, 102849. Elsevier. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278431920304011

The paper performs analysis on four features of 112,412 restaurants on Yelp and shows outcome comparison between algorithms. The data are collected by using a web scraper, which is a method that we proposed for our paper if we can’t find a more recent dataset. They also mentioned the process of data cleaning, which includes 2 procedures: tokenization and stopwords removal. They provided 2 deep learning and machine learning algorithms: gradient boosting decision tree classifier, random forest classifier, bidirectional LSTM, and simple word-embedding model. They also proposed both theoretical and practical implications for future work, which is a good place to find motivation for our paper.

A survey on sentiment analysis methods, applications, and challenges

Mayur Wankhade, Annavarapu Chandra Sekhara Rao, and Chaitanya Kulkarni. 2022. A survey on sentiment analysis methods, applications, and challenges. Artificial Intelligence Review 55, 7, 5731-5780. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10462-022-10144-1

This paper provided a background on sentiment analysis like the survey for FER, which also gives us a good start to understanding how to approach sentiment analysis. It provides a throughout beginning-to-end process of a sentiment analysis. I find it useful when reading about the 3 main approaches, which are Lexicon Based Approach, Machine Learning Approach, and Hybrid Approach. It also introduced some common machine learning algorithms for sentiment analysis: Naive Bayes, support vector machines, and deep learning. Naive Bayes is easy to implement and can be trained on a relatively small dataset. Support vector machines can be trained to achieve high accuracy, but they can be more difficult to implement and require a larger dataset than Naive Bayes. Deep learning algorithms like recurrent neural networks and CNNs are more difficult to implement and require a large dataset to train.

Sentiment analysis of restaurant reviews using hybrid classification method

M. Govindarajan. 2014. Sentiment analysis of restaurant reviews using hybrid classification method. Sentiment analysis of restaurant reviews using hybrid classification method 2, 1, 17-23. https://www.digitalxplore.org/up_proc/pdf/46-1393322636127-133.pdf

This paper compared the effectiveness of different methods made for classifying restaurant reviews and whether it is beneficial to use ensemble techniques. It includes methods like Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine and Genetic Algorithm. I think they provide a broad look at what methods are available for classification and that can be helpful for our paper, but I am not sure if it will be useful for our paper since we are not planning to explore classification in restaurant reviews but more about the sentimental analysis of it. However, the amount of paper available on the topic that I proposed is quite limited. If we can get access to one of the paper I listed below, they can be a good resource since it is more related to the direction I want to develop my proposal.

Sentiment analysis of customer reviews of food delivery services using deep learning and explainable artificial intelligence: Systematic review

Anirban Adak, Biswajeet Pradhan, and Nagesh Shukla. 2022. Sentiment analysis of customer reviews of food delivery services using deep learning and explainable artificial intelligence: Systematic review. Foods 11, 10, 1500. MDPI. https://www.mdpi.com/2304-8158/11/10/1500

This paper focuses on AI and DL for sentiment analysis. They explained more about how AI, DL, ML are developing within each other. I think this paper acts as an overall guide on the techniques that I should use for my paper. It includes information about different AI methods that are used in sentiment analysis of customer reviews for food delivery services and also challenges when using DL techniques on customer reviews. 

“His lack of a mask ruined everything.” Restaurant customer satisfaction during the COVID-19 outbreak: An analysis of Yelp review texts and star-ratings

Maria Kostromitina, Daniel Keller, Muhittin Cavusoglu, and Kyle Beloin. 2021. “His lack of a mask ruined everything.” Restaurant customer satisfaction during the COVID-19 outbreak: An analysis of Yelp review texts and star-ratings. International journal of hospitality management 98, 103048. Elsevier. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278431921001912

This paper is similar to what I might want to do for my pitch: it includes background information about the review text in relation to the choice of star-ratings. It also provides an interesting aspect of how Covid-19 affected the reviews of the customers, and how, depending on the situations, the reviews that the customers read might not help them make the right decision of choosing a good restaurant.

Sentiment analysis of customers’ reviews using a hybrid evolutionary svm-based approach in an imbalanced data distribution

Ruba Obiedat, Raneem Qaddoura, Al-Zoubi Ala’M, Laila Al-Qaisi, Osama Harfoushi, Mo’ath Alrefai, and Hossam Faris. 2022. Sentiment analysis of customers’ reviews using a hybrid evolutionary svm-based approach in an imbalanced data distribution. IEEE Access 10, 22260–22273. IEEE. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9706209/

This paper, other than proposing new techniques for sentiment analysis, addresses the problem of imbalance dataset, which is a common problem to encounter in data analysis. Even thought, the paper doesn’t perform the work on an English-based dataset, it is useful to see how they deal with imbalance data problems. They use Naive Bayes, SVM, and Genetic Algorithm on the dataset, then compare with their proposed hybrid model built with all three classification methods

3 Pitches – Polished version

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Pitch 1: Reduce the encounter of local minima in heuristic search space. In the heuristic search space of heuristic algorithms, there are areas where the nodes appear to be closer to the goal state, but when the algorithm encounters these areas, they actually wasted more resources to reach the goal. These areas are called local minima. Local minima tends to arise more when using distance to go as the heuristic value instead of cost to go, which is an aspect that this project plans to explore. Avoiding local minima and understanding the behavior can help improve the performance of heuristic search algorithms. Overall, this project will explore the problem of local minima with beam search. 

Risk: There is limited information on this topic and a lot of knowledge gaps that will need to be filled. 

Pitch 2: Facial expression recognition: classify facial expression using machine learning. Problem: help people in communication, analyze human’s emotion, help with the development of AI in supporting humans during their daily life. Dataset: CK+ : 48×48 pixels images in grayscale format; face cropped; emotions includes anger (45 samples), disgust (59 samples), fear (25 samples), happiness (69 samples), sadness (28 samples), surprise (83 samples), neutral (593 samples), contempt (18 samples). Tufts Face Database: multi-modal face image images with more than 100,000 images, 74 females and 38 males from different age groups. 

Risk: Finding a suitable machine learning algorithm, process image data.

Pitch 3: Sentiment analysis of online food review. When people buy products online, the one thing that they tend to look closely at are the reviews of the product. Having good reviews and understanding the needs of the customers through the review can help the business grow tremendously. A review usually comes in two parts: the rating and the reviews. Users, a lot of the time, mistakenly choose the wrong rating for the products, so the reviews are more reliable in most situations. This project aims to perform sentiment analysis on the reviews dataset, so it provides more accurate feedback on the products. Another aspect that this project can develop toward is that it can perform analysis on the negative languages on the recent reviews to let the businesses know what they should focus on improving. Amazon Fine Food Reviews dataset, which contains data over a 10 year period (1999 to 2012). Another plan to replace this dataset is using DoorDashAPI to collect reviews from the restaurants on DoorDash.

Risk: dataset is not recent and will keep looking for a more recent dataset.