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Thanksgiving is over. I exercised my prerogative to take a breakĀ and did no work in the last week. I also chose to give my final presentation this week, so I have a firm timetable that prioritizes this project (both code and paper) for the next week.

To wit:

  • Sunday, 11/27: Implement the basic JavaScript functions for submitting and processing URL’s; working on using Date.now() in JavaScript for time-stamping
  • Monday, 11/28: Create an electronic and more detailed version of the flow diagram in the morning, make the code actually work, start->finish, in the afternoon
  • Tuesday, 11/29: Ask Charlie questions in the morning; finish what’s left over; in the ideal world, I would spend the afternoon just getting the aesthetics right, but I suspect complications will lead to a fairly sparse interface (ironically, for an HCI project)
  • Wednesday, 11/30: Final presentation, no further work on the software for this course anticipated
  • Saturday and Sunday, 12/05 and 12/06: Finish the paper – read and write Saturday, revise Sunday, submit as soon as it’s available

There are a number of pitfalls I can foresee, and the reasons I would fall short of completion by Wednesday would most likely be because one of the following proved more complex than anticipated:

  • Moving from a web tool to a Chrome extension
  • Parsing URL’s
  • Data collection and storage
  • Timers
  • Exception handling

In short, this week will be mostly devoted to this class (and the following two weeks will emphasize others).

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