CS 488 – Week 1 – Update
My advisor: Xunfei Jiang
Set up a VM and I am installing Solo5 on VM
Software architecture diagram

Elevator Pitch
My senior project is to develop a technology that provides higher performance and security for target applications. It is called unikernel which is an optimized library operating system. Unikernel consists of the minimum set of components that a target application requires from a complete operating system. Unikernel is light weight and has higher isolation than containers. It will be the trend of running environment for applications in many fields such as cloud computing and high performance computing in the near future.
CS388 Final Proposal
Finished the final draft of project proposal.
CS388 – Week 1 – First Idea
Compile Python code into byte code.
To enable JVM to run python code. Since JVM executes bytecode, I want to find a way to automatically compile python code to byte code.
Software involved: JVM, javac, python interpreter
The difficulties come from the large scope of the language.